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Natural Eye-Gaze-Based Interaction for Immversive VR

Eye tracking technology in a head-mounted display has undergone rapid advancement in recent years, making it possible for researchers to explore new interaction techniques using natural eye movements. This paper explores three novel eye-gaze-based interaction techniques: (1) Duo-Reticles, eye-gaze selection based on eye-gaze and inertial reticles, (2) Radial Pursuit, cluttered object selection that takes advantage of smooth pursuit, and (3) Nod and Roll, head-gesture-based interaction based on the vestibulo-ocular reflex. In an initial user study, we compare each technique against a baseline condition in a scenario that demonstrates its strengths and weaknesses. 

T. Piumsomboon, G. Lee, R. Lindeman, and M. Billinghurst. "Exploring natural eye-gaze-based interaction for immersive virtual reality." In 3D User Interfaces (3DUI), 2017 IEEE Symposium on, pp. 36-39. IEEE, 2017.

Research Article 5
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